Yes. ECOWAGE is a registered by CRA and also a member of CARI.
General questions
Is ECOWAGE A Registered company?
How does ECOWAGE generate profit?
ECOWAGE generates profit through the sale of recyclables.
What will happen when my contract is over?
When your contract has expired, you can withdraw your capital along with any additional profit you may have generated. You also have the option to renew your contract.
Will I receive a response from the customer care professionals at any time?
Yes, we have a 24/7 live support team to assist you in navigating the website, addressing any issues you may encounter in your personal account, and providing answers to your questions.
Are non Muslim allowed to participate in the Halal business package?
Yes, non-Muslims who find the package profitable are allowed to participate in it, as long as they are comfortable with the principles of the package.
I can't find the question I want to ask in the FAQ.
Check out our 24/7 live support or send us an email.
Account Questions
How long does it take to make my client account active?
Your account will be active immediately after registration.
How may I access my account?
You may log into your account by clicking the link Login and enter your username and password.
How can I control my account?
In order to control your account you need to use navigation menu in the left side of our website.
May I change my account details?
You may change your account details on Profile page.
How secure user accounts and personal data?
All stored data on our servers remains protected via encryption technology all the time. All account related transactions done by our clients are mediated exclusively via secured internet connections.
How many accounts can I open on the site?
Any client can have only one account. In the event of multiple registrations from your device we have rights to suspend all of your accounts.
Get in touch to learn more
We are in co-operation with experienced and eco-friendly companies, organizations, and experts in our effort to revolutionize, monetize, and digitalize the recycling sector.
Get in Touch-
Office location
682 Monarch Ave, Ajax, ON L1S 4S2, CANADA.
- Support Email